Lesson 20 - Present tense of " to have " in Italian ( verbo avere )


The verb “ avere ” it is a verb that is frequently used and the English form of it is the verb “ to have”.“ Avere ” is an irregular verb. 

Conjugation in the Present Tense 

Io ho

Tu hai 

Egli ha 

Noi abbiamo 

Voi avete 

Essi hanno 

The verb “avere” is used in Italian, where the verb “ to be ” would be used in English.

In English the age is expressed with the use of the verb “to be” but in Italian is used the verb “ avere” + number + anni.


Quanti anni ha Luca ? —> How old is Luca ?

Io ho dieci anni —>  I am ten years old.

There are some idiomatic expressions that in English are expressed as to be + adjective and in Italian are made with “ avere + noun ”.

Avere caldo —> being hot

Avere colpa —> being guilty 

Avere fame —> being angry 

Avere fortuna —> being lucky

Avere freddo —> being cold 

Avere fretta —> being in a hurry 

Avere invidia —> being envious 

Avere paura —> being afraid 

Avere rabbia —> being hungry 

Avere ragione —> beige right 

Avere sete —> being thirsty 

Avere vergogna —> being ashamed 


Lesson 21