Italian Vocabulary - 22nd week ( from 1101 to 1130 words )


italian vocabulary , 1000 italian words

Italian Vocabulary  - 22nd week ( from 1101 to 1130 words )

Hello beautiful people, here there is the list of the words to learn in this 22nd week! Keep up the good work to reach the next milestone , the 2000 words. 

Week 22

Day 1 

1 niente —> nothing 

2 quindi —> so 

3 insieme —> together 

4 oltre —> other 

5 intorno —> around 

6 sopra —> over 

7 dietro —> behind 

8 davanti —> ahead 

9 davvero —> really 

10 qualcuno —> someone 


Day 2

1 qua —> here 

2 domani —> tomorrow 

3 circa —> about 

4 grazie —> thank you 

5 tardi —> late 

6 stasera —> this evening 

7 naturalmente —> naturally 

8 accanto —> beside 

9 finalmente —> finally 

10 infine —> in the end 

Day 3

1 abbastanza —> enough 

2 infine —> in the end 

3 comunque —> anyway 

4 certamente —> surely

5 oppure —> otherwise 

6 indietro —> behind 

7 completamente —> completely 

8 probabilmente —> probably 

9 ognuno —> each one 

10 entro —> within 

This is the end of the most used words in Italian. From this point you will find vocabulary lists based on specific topic. I will leave the link of a page where you can find all these lists. This page will be updated frequently so keep looking at it. Hope you find all this until now useful. 

Go to the homepage and go to the tag " Vocabulary " so you will find all the list of vocabulary that you can use to learn in this journey in learning Italian.