Italian Vocabulary - 20th week ( from 1001 to 1050 words )


italian vocabulary 1000

Italian Vocabulary  - 20th week ( from 1001 to 1050 words )

Hello beautiful people, here there is the list of the words to learn in this 20th week! Keep up the good work to reach the next milestone , the 2000 words. 

Week 20

Day 1 

1 frutto —> fruit 

2 onore —> honor 

3 pericolo —> danger 

4 scrittore —> writer 

5 collina —> hill 

6 zio —> uncle 

7 difesa —> defence 

8 metro —> meter 

9 collo —> neck 

10 cura —> cure 

Day 2

1 disposizione —> disposition 

2 Domenica —> Sunday 

3 giovanotto —> young man 

4 poeta —> poet 

5 stagione —> season 

6 peso —> weight 

7 tono —> tone 

8 croce —> cross 

9 decisione —> decision 

10 poesia —> poetry 

Day 3

1 fiducia —> trust 

2 filo —> wire 

3 folla —> crowd 

4 qualità —> quality 

5 conoscenza —> knowledge 

6 favore —> favor 

7 popolazione —> population

8 strumento —> instrument 

9 uso —> use 

10 vestito —> dress or clothe 

Day 4

1 commercio —> commerce 

2 fabbrica —> factory 

3 giugno —> June 

4 giustizia —> justice 

5 avvocato —> attorney 

6 orecchio —> hear 

7 sonno —> sleep 

8 congresso —> congress 

9 porto —> port 

10 calcio —> soccer 

Day 5

1 fantasia —> fantasy 

2 matrimonio —> wedding 

3 medico —> doctor 

4 ospedale —> hospital 

5 pianura —> plains 

6 tavolo —> table 

7 fame —> hunger 

8 latte —> milk 

9 merito —> merit 

10 attore —> actor 


Week 21st