Italian Vocabulary - 19th week ( from 951 to 1000 words )


first 1000 italian vocabulary

Italian Vocabulary  - 19th week ( from 951 to 1000 words )

Hello beautiful people, here there is the list of the words to learn in this 19th week! You have completed the first milestone of this journey , your first 1000 words! Congratulations !! Keep up the good work. 

Week 19

Day 1 

1 macchina —> car or machine 

2 carta —> paper 

3 minuto —> minute 

4 tratto —> treatment 

5 settimana —> week 

6 notizia —> news 

7 fratello —> brother 

8 realtà —> reality 

9 industria —> industry 

10 piacere —> pleasure 

Day 2

1 maestro —> teacher 

2 personaggio —> character 

3 pomeriggio —> afternoon 

4 fianco —> flank , side 

5 bambina —> little girl 

6 bellezza —> beauty 

7 domanda —> question 

8 pianta —> plant 

9 pubblico —> public 

10 sede —> site 

Day 3

1 affare —> deal 

2 bene —> good 

3 metà —> half 

4 papà —> dad 

5 fiume —> river 

6 lotta —> fight 

7 mercato —> market 

8 angolo —> corner 

9 compagnia —> company 

10 espressione —> expression 

Day 4

1 labbro —> lip 

2 villa —> villa , manor 

3 desiderio —> desire 

4 serie —> series 

5 visita —> visit 

6 coraggio —> braveness 

7 direttore —> director 

8 esercito —> army 

9 grado —> degree 

10 padrone —> master 

Day 5

1 risposta —> answer 

2 tavola —> table 

3 immagine —> image 

4 montagna —> mountain 

5 energia —> emergi 

6 fede —> faith , wedding ring 

7 pane —> bread 

8 seguito —> follow 

9 state —> summer 

10 film —> film 
