Italian Vocabulary - 18th week ( from 901 to 950 words )


italian vocabulary

Italian Vocabulary  - 18th week ( from 901 to 950 words )

Hello beautiful people, here there is the list of the words to learn in this 18th week! Don't give up , I know that you are tired by this because I have experienced it too when I was studying English , but don't give up! You are doing a good job!

Week 18

Day 1 

1 figurare —> to appear 

2 insistere —> to insist 

3 chiave —> key 

4 corrente —> current 

5 operaio —> worker 

6 corso —> course 

7 finestra —> window 

8 arte —> art 

9 sistema —> system 

10 piano —> floor , plan , piano 

Day 2

1 bocca —> mouth 

2 anima —> soul, spirit 

3 palazzo —> palace 

4 passo —> step 

5 giornata —> day 

6 servizio —> service 

7 rapporto —> report 

8 milione —> milioni 

9 stanza —> room 

10 valore —> value 

Day 3

1 colpo —> shot , hit 

2 sangue —> blood 

3 interesse —> interest 

4 spalla —> shoulder 

5 silenzio —> silence 

6 signorina —> miss 

7 ombra —> shadow 

8 azione —> action 

9 vento —> wind 

10 mattina —> morning 

Day 4

1 colore —> color 

2 presidente —> president 

3 consiglio —> advice 

4 principe —> prince 

5 viaggio —> trip 

6 genere —> gender , genre 

7 giornale —> news paper 

8 spirito —> spirit 

9 cavallo —> horse 

10 muro —> wall 

Day 5

1 situazione —> situation 

2 linea —> line 

3 giro —> tour 

4 automobile —> car 

5 atto —> act , action , document 

6 aspetto —> aspect , appearance 

7 età —> age 

8 fortuna —> fortune 

9 oro —> gold 

10 partito —> political party 


Week 19th