Italian Vocabulary - 17th week ( from 851 to 900 words )


italian words

Italian Vocabulary  - 17th week ( from 851 to 900 words )

Hello beautiful people, here there is the list of the words to learn in this 17th week! Don't give up , I know that you are tired by this because I have experienced it too when I was studying English , but don't give up! You are doing a good job!

Week 17

Day 1 

1 fondare —> to found 

2 guidare —> to drive 

3 ferire —> to hurt 

4 opporre —> to oppose 

5 procedere —> to proceed

6 smettere —> to stop 

7 consentire —> to allow 

8 innamorarsi —> to fall in love 

9 organizzare —> to organize 

10 rifiutare —> to reject 

Day 2

1 territorio —> territory 

2 attimo —> moment

3 civiltà —> civilization 

4 contatto —> contact 

5 errore —> error 

6 fretta —> rush 

7 intenzione —> intention 

8 culture —> culture 

9 giudizio —> judgment 

10 spesa —> expense 

Day 3

1 riportare —> to report 

2 dipendere —> to depend 

3 provvedere —> to provide 

4 trascinare —> to drag 

5 fumare —> to smoke 

6 scoppiare —> to explode 

7 sognare —> to dream 

8 appoggiare —> to lay 

9 armare —> to arm 

10 celebrare —> to celebrate 

Day 4

1 aiuto —> help 

2 ambiente —> environment 

3 animo —> soul

4 bestia —> beast 

5 cortile —> yard 

6 pelle —> leather 

7 proposta —> proposal 

8 riva —> shore 

9 segretario —> secretary 

10 abito —> suit or dress 

Day 5

1 descrivere —> to describe 

2 resistere —> to resist 

3 bruciare —> to burn

4 colpire —> to hit 

5 estendere —> to extend 

6 staccare —> to detach 

7 affrontare —> to face up to 

8 avanzare —> to push forward 

9 comporre —> to compose 

10 escludere —> to exclude


Week 18th