Italian Vocabulary - 15th week ( from 751 to 800 words )
Italian Vocabulary - 15th week ( from 751 to 800 words )
Hello beautiful people, here there is the list of the words to learn in this 15th week! Don't give up , I know that you are tired by this because I have experienced it too when I was studying English , but don't give up! You are doing a good job!
Week 15
Day 1
1 usare —> to use
2 accettare —> accept
3 indicare —> to indicate
4 buttare —> throw away
5 battere —> to beat
6 interessare —> to interest
7 sorridere —> to smile
8 condurre —> to drive
9 disporre —> to arrange
10 unire —> unite
Day 2
1 elemento —> element
2 stazione —> station
3 materia —> subject
4 scale —> ladder
5 maniera —> manner
6 arma —> weapon
7 autorità —> authority
8 gamba —> leg
9 patria —> homeland
10 albergo —> hotel
Day 3
1 aiutare —> to help
2 piangere —> to cry
3 girare —> to turn
4 levare —> to remove
5 soffrire —> to suffer
6 recare —> to cause
7 riguardare —> to relate , to affect , to rewatch
8 rivolgere —> to address
9 tacere —> to keep quiet
10 occorrere —> to take , to need , to be needed
Day 4
1 gioia —> joy
2 argomento —> topic
3 sguardo —> gaze
4 relazione —> relation or relationship
5 classe —> class
6 battaglia —> battle
7 viso —> face
8 gesto —> gesture
9 mattino —> morning
10 opinione —> opinion
Day 5
1 porre —> to pose , to put
2 vincere —> to win
3 svolgere —> to carry out
4 studiare —> to study
5 crescere —> to grow up
6 divenire —> to become
7 gridare —> to shout
8 dichiarare —> to declare
9 contare —> to count
10 giocare —> to play